Messages from Sr.MarJo

Messages from Sr.MarJo 17 ~ ONENESS ~ Walking together for a better world

2023.07.07 Messages from Sr.MarJo

A few moments of silence, as usual, to take a deep breath and receive the calming SPIRIT of life.

“When the day of PENTECOST came, they were all together…” – Acts 2:1

Two Sundays ago, was a big feast for the Catholic Church – it was the feast of PENTECOST or what we call, the “coming of God’s SPIRIT” to all…

Last Sunday, it was the Feast of the Holy Trinity – FATHER – SON – SPIRIT! In all Catholic Prayers, we begin by remembering this – when we say “in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”.

I will not go into the details of these feasts, but I would like to focus on one word that is common in these 2 feasts – and that is the word TOGETHER.  Pentecost happened when the community was gathered TOGETHER.  And the feast of the Holy Trinity last Sunday – speaks of a GOD whose nature is being TOGETHER.  This means, we believe that whenever we are together, God is there. And in the Assumption – TOGETHER is our way of being.

The first time I came for your assembly, I spoke about our thrust/slogan for this school year – ONE ASSUMPTION TOGETHER – FOR A BETTER WORLD.

TOGETHER – is very much related to ONENESS which is one of our CORE VALUES.

Let me give 2 characteristics of this word, for us to reflect on today.

     1.TOGETHER as ‘being connected’ or “making connections”. This means that we are linked to each other and what happens to one or what one does, affects the      whole. So, if we do or say something good, it has a good effect for others and for the world, and if we do or say something bad, it is bad for others and for the      world. We are connected, one to the other. And we must not forget this. Our thoughts, our actions, our words have ripple effects… that is why, we are affected by      what is happening in China, in Ukraine, in Russia, in Myanmar… One act of kindness builds a kinder world; and one act of selfishness builds a more selfish world.       TOGETHER means – we are connected to each other – we are a part of each other – we belong to each other.

  1. TOGETHER as UNITY IN DIVERSITY – it is NOT uniformity or being the same or doing the same thing. In fact, we must recognize the uniqueness of each one and each thing as a necessary part of the whole. And what is beautiful is that as we bring each one’s uniqueness TOGETHER, we create a beautiful whole.

When we think of our world today, where there is so much division, and where there is the tendency to focus on individuality – we see the results. There is selfishness. People isolate themselves, individuals feel alone and separated from others, or people think only of themselves and compete with each other instead of cooperate, complement and complete each other.

We are invited to remember that we are meant to LIVE on this earth TOGETHER and not/never alone as individuals. Each one is necessary to complete the whole.

We affect each other, we are connected with each other. We breath the same air, share the same sky… let us strengthen our “being TOGETHER” and believe and show the world that this is possible.

I end with an old song inspired by the poet John Donne and made popular by the Lettermen (the BTS of my time – in the 70’s) ….

