Messages from Sr.MarJo

Messages from Sr.MarJo 2

2020.04.24 Messages from Sr.MarJo

We welcome this new School Year in very unusual circumstances!

In the Assumption, we are invited to know and love our times.  This means that we allow the realities in and around us to affect us, awakening what is truly human in us, so that we may offer a relevant and a loving response no matter how small and simple this may seem.

The year 2020 will go down in history as the era of a PANDEMIC – that affected all, sparing none – making no exceptions, be it in the economic, political, cultural, religious or any other aspects.  There is no human being on earth who has not been touched by the reality of “COVID-19”.  People say that this is shaping for our world, a new “normal”.  I believe that this will not end unless we learn what is there for us to learn.  So much has been said and is still being said and we cannot remain unmoved, lest we find ourselves in a reality that we will forever be sorry for or one that is fossilized in a norm that will no longer mean anything.

There is an invitation for everyone to begin to get out of oneself and seek ways to contribute in re-shaping our new reality.  There has been no better time than now, for divisions to end and for everyone to recognize a brother and a sister in the other – with whom we share the earth as a common home.

Let “sharing” and “giving” of oneself or what one has, be the way of being now, like never before.

Assumption Education was founded to form persons who will be committed in taking part in making society more loving, more generous, more whole – less fragmented, less divided, less selfish and less indifferent.  We have a real opportunity to make this a reality now.  Let us be creative in overturning this COVID-19 Pandemic – by a decisive and unified resolve to reach out to others.  It can be as simple as a kind word or a smile or not complaining and being more patient.  But it can also be a generous and loving response to the appeal of Osaka for raincoats or of forgiving deep wounds and hurts, or of the easing down or the canceling of debts of people who have lost their jobs.  There is no end to what is possible – when we realize that one little act of goodness transforms the world and makes it a little better.  This is what Assumption Education is all about.

Meanwhile, we thank all the teachers and school personnel who are tirelessly giving of themselves so that learning is not diminished for our students.

We continue to do what we can, lovingly and joyfully – true to the Assumption way of making a difference there where we are.  Please take care of yourself and of one another.


