

My dear Parents of Assumption Kokusai Kindergarten,

It is my pleasure to greet you and welcome you to another school year that is not like any other. With all that is happening in our world and the pandemic that continues to be a concern for all, I would like to thank you for your TRUST in becoming our partners in the education of your children at the very beginning of their school life.

We assure you, that we will do our best to make sure that we give your children the quality education that we are committed to offer in the Assumption.

Let us together be voices of HOPE and UNITY as we face the uncertainties of the future. Join us as we do our part in building better world for all ‒ as we move TOWARDS ONE ASSUMPTION KOKUSAI!

Please take care and keep well

学校法人聖母被昇天学院 理事長
Sr. Maria Josefina Matias